Little Rooster named "Top Pleasure Product" by ETO Magazine.
Within six months of its launch, the Little Rooster has been named as one of the "Top Pleasure Products of Recent Years" by the highly respected UK industry journal "Erotic Trade Only".
"It might be relatively new" enthuses the magazine, but it has "won over the UK media and is now available worldwide".
"Now we are looking forwards to being named as one of the "Top Timepieces of Recent Years" by" says inventor and CEO Tony Maggs. "After all, why wake up to an annoying beep when you can start your morning feeling sensational?"
The Little Rooster is the world's first Erotic Alarm Clock designed to wake women with pleasure. It is patent pending, design registered, and the only clock in the world with a Snorgasm® function.
The Sunday Times considers it "Cool".
The Register finds it "Truly Innovative".
Playboy swears it "Fits Perfectly".
Sabotage Times agrees it is "Extremely Comfortable".
And GQ Magazine calls it "A Must", listing it is one of their top ten Valentine's gifts for 2012.
Wake up buzzing. With the Little Rooster.